The hidden recipes of eternal youth.
Whether the divine beverage exists physically or is a metaphor, the glory of the immortal Orpheus flower has reached all the way to the Himalayas. Its name is mentioned on a clay tablet in a Tibetan monastery from the 6th century BC, as part of the Tibetan youth tea recipe.”
The monks there say that the recipe for it was given by a very ancient people who had power over life and death. It is believed that thесе people originated from our lands, as all the ingredients in the tea are herbs typical of Bulgarian soil.
Tibetan youth tea is very popular all over the world and has been used for centuries, but it only became well-known in our country a few years ago. The tea is a mixture of four herbs, including Orpheus flower, which haс an incredibly strong healing effect on the human body. According to specialists, the tea has a proven antioxidant effect and cleanses the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, removes the slag accumulated on the blood vessels, melts the fat around the stomach and waist. This leads to weight loss, rejuvenation, and regulation of physiological processes in the body. After therapy with Tibetan tea, the skin, hair, and nails become healthy, shiny, and glossy.
To make the tea of the Tibetan monks, which they have been drinking as a prevention against some serious diseases, you will need to get 100 grams of each of the following herbs: Chamomile; St. John’s wort; Immortelle; Buds of white birch.
You can prepare the herbal mixture yourself by collecting herbs during the spring-summer period. The farther away from the city and the highways these herbs grow, the better. If you are unable to collect them yourself, you can purchase them from the nearest pharmacy. Carefully mix the herbs, being careful not to break them apart. Store them in a clean, tightly sealed container. To make 1 cup of tea, take 1 tablespoon of the herbal mixture and pour 500ml of boiling water over it. Let it steep for 20-30 minutes in a covered container, then strain.
Measure out half of the infusion you received, add a pinch of turmeric with black pepper, and slowly sip the tea in small sips after dinner, just before going to bed. It is not recommended to modify the recipe by adding additional components or removing necessary herbs. The tea is not sweetened with sugar or honey.
The remaining amount of tea should be consumed in the same way in the morning after gently warming it up. After drinking the tea before sleep, do not eat or drink anything, as it may disrupt the action of the herbs. Have breakfast no earlier than an hour or two after drinking the morning dose of tea.
This is how the Tibetan “Eternal Youth” tea should be consumed every day until the prepared amount is depleted, usually after a month or a month and a half.
In the first few days of using Tibetan tea, there may be a slight worsening of well-being, headaches, and weakness, which is a signal that the purification and treatment of the body has begun. Usually, unpleasant sensations go away after a few days, replaced by a feeling of lightness and increased vitality. In some cases, before starting to take the tea, it may be necessary to cleanse the intestines. This is especially recommended for people who have been struggling with obesity for a long time without success.